SKI World Instructors
Source :
KANAZAWA HIROKAZU SOKE, Founder (1931 - 2019)
One of the world renowned and respected traditional karate masters 10th Dan.
He is the first karateka to have won the notorious All Japan Karate Championship in 1957.
Soke was one of few karateka previledged to have studied under Master Gichin Funakoshi who brought Karate from Okinawa Island to mainland Japan and opened Shotokan Dojo in Tokyo.
In 1978, Kanazawa Soke set up SKIF (Shotokan Karatedo International Federation).
SKIF is now the worlds largest Shotokan Karate Association under one chief instructor, having substantial members in over 130 countries.
Date de dernière mise à jour : 05/08/2021